Monday, April 21, 2008

Can You Operate A Motor Vehicle?

Ok - a hot button. DUI. CNN posted this morning "DUI gizzmo might have been wrong 2 years." Is this another technicality that can be one more reason for us to not take this topic seriously? Now, laws vary by state on level of BAC, but the question remains - if we have altered our perceptions (aka: one of the reasons we drink alcohol) are we of right mind to operate a motor vehicle? Bsafe.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Living Life

This does not have much to do with safety ... but yet the importance of how we live life. It's a bit longer than I generally watch, but it is worth it. Bsafe (and live).

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Natural Selection

I'll test the waters with a provocative thought ... should all 'safety programing' be focused on people/topics with the best ROI? Does head injury prevention for children bring more or less 'return' than falls prevention for older adults. Think about it, if most of our health care dollars are being spent on those at the end of their life span, is this a wise investment? Hummmm, a thought to ponder? Bsafe.

Swim Float Swim

I am slackin in the safety zone ... gotta catch up and keep the world focused on how to be safe! (Who am I kidding - just my world and those poor soilders around me!) SO... think warm, think summer and teach your little person to love the water! Learn how to swim float swim. Bsafe!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Girls Gone Bad

A morning talk show, not generally where I look for resources but one popped up today. Alarmed - I saw videos that had been posted to YouTube of 'girl fights' ... I can't say much about the videos but I learned about WiredSafety. A place that presents a whole new realm of safety issues - even dropdown menus to select from. Hummm - it's not just about shaking our fingers at jaywalkers anymore. Bsafe.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Helmets When Driving?

"It would increase your odds," has always been my response when the young people in my life have asked this question (while secretly mocking my SafetyGirl stance). So, in honor of National Public Health Week, I'll challenge people to "Travel Differently" by wearing a helmet when you are driving this week - no matter what kind of vehicle you are operating (i know, it is a stretch, but it sounded good at 12:30 am). Bsafe.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Awareness Test

This video viewing test speaks for itself ... how high will you score? Bsafe.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Can You Operate a Motor Vehicle?

This question will show its face often in the SafetyGirl zone. There are many times that the facts just can't be disputed, yet we all test the waters on this topic in so many ways. Traveling 65 mph on I-25, northbound on the south side of Denver, I gander out the passenger side window of our car that Kicks Gas ... low and behold a 'Text-er' operating a motor vehicle - eyes down - going close to the same speed. Not much more I can say about that. Bsafe.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Your Nearest Exit May Be Behind You

Sitting in an isle seat of an airplane frequently, I come across all sorts of safety tales. Most recently, I found myself on a Southwest fight (with a furrowed brow that I had given up my usual extra 6 inches space in Economy Plus on United) and I noticed a tween - reading the safety card (in Spanish) to her younger isle partner. WOW - what a glorious sight for a safety advocate! Take a look at the safety card next time you sit down in your window, middle, or isle seat - you may make the day of a safety advocate near you. Bsafe.