Thursday, January 29, 2009

Safety Has A New Color

I am 35 years old and in the past 9 months, two girlfriends (near my age) have been diagnosed with breast cancer and have faced the journey forward with a double mastectomy. The question remains for me, as I know it does for them, why? It might be a stretch for me to directly relate this topic back to safety ... but in its purest sense - my passion for safety steams back to healthy people and healthy communities. Maybe it is awareness? early detection? prevention measures? I hope but (but it doesn't make it any easier) so - I will celebrate public health for bringing the issue of breast cancer to the forefront. And challenge us all to stay on top of this. There are endless groups on Facebook, the amazing Susan G. Komen for the Cure site, and countless other sites to keep us engaged in this conversation. Baware, Binvolved, and Bsafe.

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