Thursday, December 18, 2008

The iPhone is Testing Me

Ok ... my iPhone could be putting me (and everyone else for that matter) at risk! Even when it is freezing cold outside, and I have my gloves on, and I am DRIVING ... I am sooo tempted to pull my glove off just to take a peek at my easy to access gmail, outlook, facebook, linkedin, skype ... FOR SHAME!! So - I will work to resist the urge ... as I shake my finger at those driving texters ... I'll desperately try not to be a driving iPhoner! Bsafe! (a subliminal message for myself!)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Stay Off the Roof

The TV is on tonight (strange for me) and I was flipping channels landing on my local PBS station and I heard a man (Dr.Daniel Amen) say "Stay off the roof! One of the leading causes of brain injury for men over the age of 40 is caused by falling off the roof." It reminded me of my own father's fascination with climbing on latters - and I cringe every time. As someone that focuses her career on behavior change ... I dont believe I have made much headway on this topic. Maybe some man out there that is over the age of 40 will give me a hint! Bsafe.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Not the Mouthguard ... It's What the Mouthguard Represents

Saturday night brought us to BLADIUM sports arena to watch the Rollergirls do their thing. Oh the fun we had ... and of course the topic of "roller derby safety" wasn't far from my lips! (And of course, they also promote safety with the Party Bus!) Andrea is hesitant to try out next week because the requirement of a mouthguard implies that the hard work she put into her smile might be undone ... but ... that's the reason for the guard! So, this SafetyGirl says "Go for it Andrea!" Bsafe.