Thursday, December 18, 2008

The iPhone is Testing Me

Ok ... my iPhone could be putting me (and everyone else for that matter) at risk! Even when it is freezing cold outside, and I have my gloves on, and I am DRIVING ... I am sooo tempted to pull my glove off just to take a peek at my easy to access gmail, outlook, facebook, linkedin, skype ... FOR SHAME!! So - I will work to resist the urge ... as I shake my finger at those driving texters ... I'll desperately try not to be a driving iPhoner! Bsafe! (a subliminal message for myself!)

1 comment:

Andrea Hill said...

You need those iPhone gloves I told you about! (oh... you mean that's not the thing you were concerned wasn't safe?)

I am going to save all my fancy iPhone links on my blog - check out the link to the gloves and other fancy stuff: iPhone News.