Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Not the Mouthguard ... It's What the Mouthguard Represents

Saturday night brought us to BLADIUM sports arena to watch the Rollergirls do their thing. Oh the fun we had ... and of course the topic of "roller derby safety" wasn't far from my lips! (And of course, they also promote safety with the Party Bus!) Andrea is hesitant to try out next week because the requirement of a mouthguard implies that the hard work she put into her smile might be undone ... but ... that's the reason for the guard! So, this SafetyGirl says "Go for it Andrea!" Bsafe.


Andrea Hill said...

You public health girls have made an impression: not only am I now the proud owner of a mouthguard, I also have a nice sanitary case for it!

SafetyGirl said...

I am SOOOO excited! Soon we'll have the entire Roller Derby arena full of your supporters - got a name yet???

Andrea Hill said...

I meant to show you this before - here are the rules (some related to safety) for the rink back in Columbus -