Saturday, April 18, 2009


I am having a hard time finding some information about MUDFLAPS! (crazy i know it!) It was brought to my attention that mudflaps are not required by certain states across the union ... hummm ... how much do they play into safe that can easily avoid the splash back from large tractor trailers - hummmm - i see how this can be a safety issues. Anyone have some insight??? Record of laws??? Let me know. Bsafe.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ok, I am trying not to assume the role of an over protective safetygirl that doesn't let anybody have fun ... but maybe taking the harsh cruel role of "let natural selection take its course" isnt the best attitude either. I know the behavior, but didnt know the title - Skitching it is ... and it will start to inch its way up on the list of injury related deaths for young people. I can't help but feel a little cynical about a behavior that I think is stupid - but I have to recall that I use to think it was a good idea to lay in the sun on the trampoline wearing babyoil. But that is another blog post ... Bsafe. (and my most sincere condolences to the Ralston Valley HS student's family.)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Safety Has A New Color

I am 35 years old and in the past 9 months, two girlfriends (near my age) have been diagnosed with breast cancer and have faced the journey forward with a double mastectomy. The question remains for me, as I know it does for them, why? It might be a stretch for me to directly relate this topic back to safety ... but in its purest sense - my passion for safety steams back to healthy people and healthy communities. Maybe it is awareness? early detection? prevention measures? I hope but (but it doesn't make it any easier) so - I will celebrate public health for bringing the issue of breast cancer to the forefront. And challenge us all to stay on top of this. There are endless groups on Facebook, the amazing Susan G. Komen for the Cure site, and countless other sites to keep us engaged in this conversation. Baware, Binvolved, and Bsafe.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Is It Murder?

Not sure what to say about this one ... CBS's 60 Minutes aired a story about drunk driving and asks if people who choose to drive drunk should be charged with murder in the event that a life is lost due to the crash. More importantly, the question is asked of Nassau County's District Attorney, Kathleen Rice, "Do you think that charging someone who's driving drunk and kills someone with murder is a deterrent?" With my training in public health/behavior change AND with my very personal and intimate experience in this topic - I was far from convinced by Kathleen's reply of why this is her solution to this problem. As of today almost 600 comments have been posted to this article - some with very thought provoking solutions. Maybe someday, I'll have a lot more to say about that. Bsafe.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The iPhone is Testing Me

Ok ... my iPhone could be putting me (and everyone else for that matter) at risk! Even when it is freezing cold outside, and I have my gloves on, and I am DRIVING ... I am sooo tempted to pull my glove off just to take a peek at my easy to access gmail, outlook, facebook, linkedin, skype ... FOR SHAME!! So - I will work to resist the urge ... as I shake my finger at those driving texters ... I'll desperately try not to be a driving iPhoner! Bsafe! (a subliminal message for myself!)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Stay Off the Roof

The TV is on tonight (strange for me) and I was flipping channels landing on my local PBS station and I heard a man (Dr.Daniel Amen) say "Stay off the roof! One of the leading causes of brain injury for men over the age of 40 is caused by falling off the roof." It reminded me of my own father's fascination with climbing on latters - and I cringe every time. As someone that focuses her career on behavior change ... I dont believe I have made much headway on this topic. Maybe some man out there that is over the age of 40 will give me a hint! Bsafe.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Not the Mouthguard ... It's What the Mouthguard Represents

Saturday night brought us to BLADIUM sports arena to watch the Rollergirls do their thing. Oh the fun we had ... and of course the topic of "roller derby safety" wasn't far from my lips! (And of course, they also promote safety with the Party Bus!) Andrea is hesitant to try out next week because the requirement of a mouthguard implies that the hard work she put into her smile might be undone ... but ... that's the reason for the guard! So, this SafetyGirl says "Go for it Andrea!" Bsafe.