Thursday, December 18, 2008

The iPhone is Testing Me

Ok ... my iPhone could be putting me (and everyone else for that matter) at risk! Even when it is freezing cold outside, and I have my gloves on, and I am DRIVING ... I am sooo tempted to pull my glove off just to take a peek at my easy to access gmail, outlook, facebook, linkedin, skype ... FOR SHAME!! So - I will work to resist the urge ... as I shake my finger at those driving texters ... I'll desperately try not to be a driving iPhoner! Bsafe! (a subliminal message for myself!)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Stay Off the Roof

The TV is on tonight (strange for me) and I was flipping channels landing on my local PBS station and I heard a man (Dr.Daniel Amen) say "Stay off the roof! One of the leading causes of brain injury for men over the age of 40 is caused by falling off the roof." It reminded me of my own father's fascination with climbing on latters - and I cringe every time. As someone that focuses her career on behavior change ... I dont believe I have made much headway on this topic. Maybe some man out there that is over the age of 40 will give me a hint! Bsafe.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Not the Mouthguard ... It's What the Mouthguard Represents

Saturday night brought us to BLADIUM sports arena to watch the Rollergirls do their thing. Oh the fun we had ... and of course the topic of "roller derby safety" wasn't far from my lips! (And of course, they also promote safety with the Party Bus!) Andrea is hesitant to try out next week because the requirement of a mouthguard implies that the hard work she put into her smile might be undone ... but ... that's the reason for the guard! So, this SafetyGirl says "Go for it Andrea!" Bsafe.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Don't Ruin My Fun

Standing in front of the house today - there came the rumble (or more like buzzzzz) of a "mini-motorcyle" down the street. Miles said to me, "Don't look!" so, of course, I look and immediately freak out to see a youngster (maybe 4 years old) with a helmet on riding in front of dad on the motorbike. So - I sit hear thinking - was it all that bad? Is it okay to go at slow speeeds, with a helmet on a residential street? My "rigid safety" bone says NO WAY but my "try to have some fun" bone says what's wrong with that? HUMMMM - not making a decision either way right now. But a thought to ponder. Bsafe.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Safety

I have slacked in providing safety messages lately. So, as we strapped in our pumpkins for optimum safety - it occurred to me that seat belts have not been top of mind lately. Just a fact "41,000+ people die each year in car crashes, the leading cause of death for people age of 6 through 33. Safety belts can prevent death in about half of these crashes." So each time I take Alex to the train station, I will ALWAYS force him to put on his safety belt. Break the bad habit of not wearing it. Bsafe.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Does It Work?

Not much else to say! Bsafe.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Did You Know?

I need to raise my right hand and confess - SafetyGirl got a speeding ticket in Florida this summer. Not so safe. So, to pay my dues, I took 4 hours worth of online traffic school and I was kindly reminded of safety guidelines and actually learned some new ones! Did you know: 80% of traffic fatalities occur within 25 miles of home and at under 40 miles an hour? This was in the lesson about seat belts - sorry, no excuse NOT to wear one. By the way, Larry's grandpa was right about the most dangerous time on the road when it is raining, is at the very beginning AND i got 39 out of 40 on the test!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Going Commando

Music and safety - hummm, could it exist? Yep - recently Miles, who faithfully follows the blog of Neil Peart of Rush, brought to my attention some thought provoking words that this drummer published about motorcycle helmets. His words of wisdom "When you place yourself in harm’s way, you might as well protect yourself as best you can." Check out his July post for more about the debate of riding without a helmet. Bsafe!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Safety Signs of the UK

Just a few of the Safety Signs we saw on our vacation in Scotland/London ...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Safety Myths

Yes, its true, there are SOME myths about safety. (I know, hard to believe.) Found one today. A a frequent traveler, I have heard that your 'Identity Safety' is at risk because the magnetic strip on hotel key card contain personal information - including your credit card. So, I did some checking ... according to Snopes, this is FALSE. But it does bring up the issue of identity theft and the need to Bsafe with your personal information. So - Bsafe.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Big Brother

Personal safety ... or is it security? Saw a news story highlighting Surveillance Cameras being posted in Denver for security reasons during the DNC and the ACLU was concerned about personal privacy. It raised another thought about the Clear locations in airports across the country and the questions about how much privacy we REALLY have from 'the man'. But - I'll ask the confrontational question - if your not doing anything wrong, who cares who is watching?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

#1 Concern

It's nice to know safety is not just my concern! Good ole RTD cares. Save gas, ride the train. And, Bsafe.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Its quite a phrase "Be Safe" ... it can mean so many things. So often, it is me saying to others as we depart but just the other day ... someone said it to me. And I stopped to smile. Maybe, just maybe - my obsessiveness might have made a difference in thinking twice about their choices. On another note, I saw a pretty compelling ad campaign while at the Social Marketing Conference in Clearwater, FL ... in my eyes, it disputes those that say scare tactics are effective. The Irish Seat Belt makes you think. Bsafe.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Learning From Grandpa

There was a slight mist - a true sign of spring in Colorado - while I was driving down the highway with Larry last night. He 'politely' mentioned to me that going slow when driving in a mist is best because it is MORE dangerous than when rain is heavy. He read my mind as I was thinking "who told you THAT?" ... well, it was Grandpa who told him. Just a reminder to us all - Grandpa's are smart. (Edmonds confirmed it for me too - note the 1st bullet point in the article!) Bsafe.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Can You Operate A Motor Vehicle?

Ok - a hot button. DUI. CNN posted this morning "DUI gizzmo might have been wrong 2 years." Is this another technicality that can be one more reason for us to not take this topic seriously? Now, laws vary by state on level of BAC, but the question remains - if we have altered our perceptions (aka: one of the reasons we drink alcohol) are we of right mind to operate a motor vehicle? Bsafe.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Living Life

This does not have much to do with safety ... but yet the importance of how we live life. It's a bit longer than I generally watch, but it is worth it. Bsafe (and live).

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Natural Selection

I'll test the waters with a provocative thought ... should all 'safety programing' be focused on people/topics with the best ROI? Does head injury prevention for children bring more or less 'return' than falls prevention for older adults. Think about it, if most of our health care dollars are being spent on those at the end of their life span, is this a wise investment? Hummmm, a thought to ponder? Bsafe.

Swim Float Swim

I am slackin in the safety zone ... gotta catch up and keep the world focused on how to be safe! (Who am I kidding - just my world and those poor soilders around me!) SO... think warm, think summer and teach your little person to love the water! Learn how to swim float swim. Bsafe!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Girls Gone Bad

A morning talk show, not generally where I look for resources but one popped up today. Alarmed - I saw videos that had been posted to YouTube of 'girl fights' ... I can't say much about the videos but I learned about WiredSafety. A place that presents a whole new realm of safety issues - even dropdown menus to select from. Hummm - it's not just about shaking our fingers at jaywalkers anymore. Bsafe.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Helmets When Driving?

"It would increase your odds," has always been my response when the young people in my life have asked this question (while secretly mocking my SafetyGirl stance). So, in honor of National Public Health Week, I'll challenge people to "Travel Differently" by wearing a helmet when you are driving this week - no matter what kind of vehicle you are operating (i know, it is a stretch, but it sounded good at 12:30 am). Bsafe.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Awareness Test

This video viewing test speaks for itself ... how high will you score? Bsafe.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Can You Operate a Motor Vehicle?

This question will show its face often in the SafetyGirl zone. There are many times that the facts just can't be disputed, yet we all test the waters on this topic in so many ways. Traveling 65 mph on I-25, northbound on the south side of Denver, I gander out the passenger side window of our car that Kicks Gas ... low and behold a 'Text-er' operating a motor vehicle - eyes down - going close to the same speed. Not much more I can say about that. Bsafe.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Your Nearest Exit May Be Behind You

Sitting in an isle seat of an airplane frequently, I come across all sorts of safety tales. Most recently, I found myself on a Southwest fight (with a furrowed brow that I had given up my usual extra 6 inches space in Economy Plus on United) and I noticed a tween - reading the safety card (in Spanish) to her younger isle partner. WOW - what a glorious sight for a safety advocate! Take a look at the safety card next time you sit down in your window, middle, or isle seat - you may make the day of a safety advocate near you. Bsafe.

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Adventures of SafetyGirl Begin

Interestingly enough, my respect for human life and my passion for the well being of others, has granted me the title of SafetyGirl amongst those that surround me. So ... today I'll begin sharing those everyday encounters that are seen through the lens of a true safety enthusiast. Come with ... join the adventure and Bsafe.